Saturday, September 12, 2009

Innocence of a child

As i look back to my childhood, I realized, i miss a lot of it. I miss the freedom for everything. Free from sadness, fear, anger, and violence. I once a child who enjoys everything that I see and everything that I own. Who is satisfied in what i get and to my parents love and care.
How I wish I am still a child. Who has a simple life and simple needs. A perfect childhood that once i had is what i want to any child to have. The innocence of a child should not be taken until they themselves discover life as they grow. A child should be given importance as a child and a human being. That they have the right to enjoy their everyday life in a good and satisfying manner rather than abusing and using them in a bad way. Their childhood is their foundation in living. A great childhood means great life.
Now I wonder, How far does it go? As I see the deprived children on the streets. No food, no shelter, and no family to cling on. As young as them, they starve, no directions to go, and some, used by those animals who have bad intentions. Those children that should be in school, instead they are scattered everywhere to steal and sometimes kill. Are these the scenery that a child should see?
A child is an innocent one. That once you did not open her eyes to the real world, she will have no idea how dirty it is, how dreadful it is, and how sinful it is. Her innocence should remain as it is until the proper time will come that she is ready to come out in a world that's full of mystery and explore it with the guidance of love ones.