Friday, August 14, 2009

Green-What`s on your mind?

When you heard of the word green, what gets into your mind? Well, maybe it depends on the situation. Literally, green is one of the secondary colors that we have but more than that, it also symbolize so many things.
For an instance, green plants such as trees,grass,veins and more. They are green coz` they are healthy, they have life. But what happens when they will be lack of supplements like water, fresh air, and enough sunlight? They won`t look green anymore despite they will turn to brown which leads to a lifeless thing.
Green symbolizes life. A healthy life that`s been maintained and taken good care. We are the one who makes our life better, we are the one who manipulate it and we are the one who makes it greener, means, we hold our destinies. If we want to be better or the best maybe, it`s in our hand. And if the worst comes, it`s still in our hand, to let it ruin us or to face and fight with it and won`t allow it to conquer us.
Being fresh also can be considered as green. Simply because, freshness means cleanliness. Though sometimes some uses "green" as a symbol of censored jokes,it doesn`t mean that it is contaminated. Still green`s definition lies unto us.


Nitin said...

you are soooo green(in a good positive full of life and vitality sorta way). :D.. when i was a kid my first art work with watercolors was a A4 paper fully painted in green. hehe.. its true..

Anonymous said...

ciao...menurutku hijau itu adalah warna yang menunjukkan kebebasan, bebas dalam arti positif tentunya. Hijau juga bermakna sesuatu yang masih belum berpengalaman..btw tulisanmu bagus, secara ide dan pengungkapan. Mudah-mudahan kita bisa share mengenai tulisan masing2...Tq be my friends n Cu next :)